The laboratory of Environmental Education / Education for Sustainable Development (ΕΕ/ESD) is engaged, as KEMEPE, in a series of Research and Development Projects, funded by various European and national bodies:
"Environmental Education in Primary School". W.W.F.-Greece - Bodossaki Foundation. Main product of research and work was the homonymous educational material package. (Edition: WWF - Greece, 1995) This package was reissued by the Ministry of Education and distributed to national schools. (1992-1995: Scientific responsibility - project coordination).
"What is our homeland" (production ET2). Television series of environmental content comprising 13 half-hour films with the following subjects: Environment and Development, Waste, Sea, Air Pollution, City, the protection of the environment, Achelous River, Wetlands, Tourism and Environment, Energy, Forest, Agriculture and Nutrition, Water Pollution. (1994-95: Scientific responsibility of the project).
"The forests around the Mediterranean - educational material production for Secondary Education” (WWF - European Commission DG XI). (1995 – 1996: Evaluation of the project).
«Pilot project for the elaboration of training modules (teachers at secondary level) and their evaluation» (European Commission - DG XI). (1995-1997: Scientific responsibility - Coordination of Greek participation).
«Environmental Education in Secondary School. Module: Energy”. European Commission - DG XI. Main product is training material "The Energy Issue", in Greek and English language (Ed. Greek Letters, 1999) (1996 – 1998: Scientific responsibility - project coordination).
«Création d'un réseau de recherche-action en évaluation de projets d'éducation relative à l'environnement» (EE-DG XI) (1996 – 1999: Scientific responsibility of the Greek participation,).
"Capacity development on educators in Secondary Education for the implementation of EE programs in secondary and high school" (Ministry of Education - OP) (1997: Scientific responsibility- project coordination).
"Child and Environment". General Secretariat for Adult Education - Unesco. (1997 - 1998: Scientific responsibility and project coordination).
"Forestwatch - educational material» (WWF - EE / DG XXII / Socrates (1997: Evaluation of the project).
"Environmental Education for Sustainable Development. A teacher education project". (EU - DG XI) (1997 - 1999: Scientific responsibility - coordination of the Greek participation).
"Tourism and Sustainable Development" (EPEAEK - mobility program, Action 3 SPDS) (1997-1999: Evaluation of the project).
"Investigation of Kindergarten teachers’ perceptions regarding ecological - environmental issues" (EKPA - ELKE, "Kapodistrias" Program, project code: KA 70/04/4109) (1999 -2000: Scientific responsibility- project coordination).
"Greening the schoolyards» (WWF Hellas – General Secretariat for Youth). (1999 - 2000: Evaluation of the produced educational material).
"Training 600 educators of Primary and Secondary Education in Environmental Education". Training organized at 12 summer schools, 50 hours each, held in Anargyrios and Korgialenio Spetses School - AKSS. (AKSS - University of Athens, EPEAEK Energy 1.1st 1B1). (1999-2000: Scientific responsibility and project coordination).
"Environmental Literacy" in the project "Second Chance Schools - SDE'' '(EPEAEK) (IDEKE - GGEE). (Scientific responsibility and project coordination).
«ΜΙRROR, World Communities of Practice for Learning and Innovation in natural science” (ΕΈ -Project number: IST-2001-32504 MIRROR project code: Κ.Α.) (2002 - 2004 : Scientific responsibility of the Greek participation (EKPA)).
"Quality Criteria for Eco-School Development" - transnational network ENSI (Environment and School Initiatives) of OOSA. (2002 - 2004: Scientific responsibility of the Greek participation).
"Student perceptions of environment and environmental problems." (EKPA - ELKE, "Kapodistrias" program, project code: KA.). (2003-2004: Scientific responsibility and project cordination).
"The world and ourselves" – textbooks for the primary school." (Pedagogical Institute-Ministry of Education). "2003 - 2005: evaluation of textbooks".
"Polysemy of concepts and pluralism of opinions in the field of Environmental Education for Sustainability. Investigation of perceptions: educators and students. "(EPEAEK II - Program: Pythagoras II / EKPA). (2005 - 2007: Scientific responsibility - project coordination).
"Environmental Education: Research activity in universities and research institutions in Greece I" (EKPA - ELKE, "Kapodistrias" Program, project code: KA). (2006 - 2007: Scientific responsibility – project coordination).
"Alternative teaching techniques in education - adult education - Summer schools" Auto-Financing project. (2007: Scientific responsibility and project coordination).
"Development of Educational Material for Protected Areas". (European Social Fund - EPEAEK II - Measure 2.6 -2.6.1.h - EKBY) (2007-2008: Scientific responsibility and project coordination).
“SUPPORT - Partnership and Participation for a Sustainable Tomorrow” - ΕΝSI (ΕΈ - LLP)/ Comenius Project No.: 134631-LLP-1-2007-1-NO-COMENIUS-CNW. (2007 – 2013: Scientific responsibility and coordination of the Greek participation).
“Research of current situation regarding Environmental Education (and the use of educational technology) in cross-border areas of Greece and FYROM and development of educational tools. EKBY (European Regional Development Fund - Program: Community Initiative INTERREG IIIA / CARDS Greece - FYROM. KE: KA 70/3/9487. (2007 - 2008: Scientific responsibility - coordination of University of Athens participation in the project).
"Environmental Education: The research activity in Universities and research institutions in Greece II " (UOA - ELKE, Program "Kapodistrias" project code: K.A.). (2008 - 2010: Scientific responsibility –project coordination).
"Curriculum development - all levels of Cypriot education regarding: Environmental Education / Education for Sustainable Development" (Ministry of Education – Republic of Cyprus). (2008 - 2010: Chairman of the Scientific Committee).
"Business plan study for Education for Sustainable Development" (Ministry of Education - EPEAEK II, Measure 6.2. "Maturation studies and preparation of the fourth programming period" - EKBY). (2008: Scientific responsibility - project coordination).
"Reorient University Curricula to Address Sustainability". (TEMPUS International Program: University of Crete). (2010-2013: Participation as a panelist).
"Sustainable Development in community" – adult education. (CCI Corfu) (2011: Scientific project responsibility).
«Education for Sustainable Development as an induction framework for novice teachers: quality educators for quality education - INDUCTION", (Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus - Frederick Research Centre) (2010-2013: Project scientific advisor).
"Education for Sustainable Development - e-learning program." (University of the Aegean: Lifelong learning programs. ESPA). (2012-2013: Scientific responsibility of University of Athens participation).
"CoDES- Collaboration of schools and communities for sustainable development". (EU-LLP, Project No.: 517621-LLP-1-2011-1-CH-COMENIUS-CNW). (2011-2014: Scientific responsibility - coordination of University of Athens participation).